300 research outputs found

    Operators for transforming kernels into quasi-local kernels that improve SVM accuracy

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    Motivated by the crucial role that locality plays in various learning approaches, we present, in the framework of kernel machines for classification, a novel family of operators on kernels able to integrate local information into any kernel obtaining quasi-local kernels. The quasi-local kernels maintain the possibly global properties of the input kernel and they increase the kernel value as the points get closer in the feature space of the input kernel, mixing the effect of the input kernel with a kernel which is local in the feature space of the input one. If applied on a local kernel the operators introduce an additional level of locality equivalent to use a local kernel with non-stationary kernel width. The operators accept two parameters that regulate the width of the exponential influence of points in the locality-dependent component and the balancing between the feature-space local component and the input kernel. We address the choice of these parameters with a data-dependent strategy. Experiments carried out with SVM applying the operators on traditional kernel functions on a total of 43 datasets with diÂźerent characteristics and application domains, achieve very good results supported by statistical significance

    Profiling Instances in Noise Reduction

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    The dependency on the quality of the training data has led to significant work in noise reduction for instance-based learning algorithms. This paper presents an empirical evaluation of current noise reduction techniques, not just from the perspective of their comparative performance, but from the perspective of investigating the types of instances that they focus on for re- moval. A novel instance profiling technique known as RDCL profiling allows the structure of a training set to be analysed at the instance level cate- gorising each instance based on modelling their local competence properties. This profiling approach o↔ers the opportunity of investigating the types of instances removed by the noise reduction techniques that are currently in use in instance-based learning. The paper also considers the e↔ect of removing instances with specific profiles from a dataset and shows that a very simple approach of removing instances that are misclassified by the training set and cause other instances in the dataset to be misclassified is an e↔ective noise reduction technique

    Prevotella diversity, niches and interactions with the human host

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    The genus Prevotella includes more than 50 characterized species that occur in varied natural habitats, although most Prevotella spp. are associated with humans. In the human microbiome, Prevotella spp. are highly abundant in various body sites, where they are key players in the balance between health and disease. Host factors related to diet, lifestyle and geography are fundamental in affecting the diversity and prevalence of Prevotella species and strains in the human microbiome. These factors, along with the ecological relationship of Prevotella with other members of the microbiome, likely determine the extent of the contribution of Prevotella to human metabolism and health. Here we review the diversity, prevalence and potential connection of Prevotella spp. in the human host, highlighting how genomic methods and analysis have improved and should further help in framing their ecological role. We also provide suggestions for future research to improve understanding of the possible functions of Prevotella spp. and the effects of the Western lifestyle and diet on the host-Prevotella symbiotic relationship in the context of maintaining human health

    Metagenomic biomarker discovery and explanation

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    This study describes and validates a new method for metagenomic biomarker discovery by way of class comparison, tests of biological consistency and effect size estimation. This addresses the challenge of finding organisms, genes, or pathways that consistently explain the differences between two or more microbial communities, which is a central problem to the study of metagenomics. We extensively validate our method on several microbiomes and a convenient online interface for the method is provided at http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/lefse/.National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (U.S.) (grant DE017106)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant AI078942)Burroughs Wellcome FundNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH 1R01HG005969

    Computational meta'omics for microbial community studies

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    Complex microbial communities are an integral part of the Earth's ecosystem and of our bodies in health and disease. In the last two decades, culture-independent approaches have provided new insights into their structure and function, with the exponentially decreasing cost of high-throughput sequencing resulting in broadly available tools for microbial surveys. However, the field remains far from reaching a technological plateau, as both computational techniques and nucleotide sequencing platforms for microbial genomic and transcriptional content continue to improve. Current microbiome analyses are thus starting to adopt multiple and complementary meta'omic approaches, leading to unprecedented opportunities to comprehensively and accurately characterize microbial communities and their interactions with their environments and hosts. This diversity of available assays, analysis methods, and public data is in turn beginning to enable microbiome-based predictive and modeling tools. We thus review here the technological and computational meta'omics approaches that are already available, those that are under active development, their success in biological discovery, and several outstanding challenges
